By Keryl McCord
Radical EQ is committed to the realization of a sustainable vision for our collective future. One that offers a sane path forward for all of us. In service of that vision, if this resonates in your heart, soul, and consciousness, REQ invites you to join us at The Radical Roundtable® as we embark on a journey of a lifetime. A once-in-a-generational call to resolve some of the most intractable, stubborn, and divisive contradictions of our times. Yes, that means all the many faces of oppression and marginalization that are present in our lives that too often we just feel “stuck” with.
How often have we been told, “These are just the way things are.” There’s nothing you/we can do. Yet we know that isn’t true. James Baldwin said, “Those who say it can’t be done are usually interrupted by others doing it.” We are interrupters who use knowledge, tools, and methodologies associated with radical pragmatism to make it so.
While there is power in groups, we first meet as individuals seeking common ground and understanding. At the Radical Roundtable then, we are inspired by the wisdom of the renowned writer, management consultant, and teacher Margaret Wheatley, who said it perfectly:
“Thank you all for this morning’s session. Although it was at times very difficult, it was essential for all of us to experience and learn. Right after I left the screen at the end of the meeting, I burst into tears — of sorrow, of frustration, and ultimately of joy at the beginning of our liberation from the past. And now the real work begins. Thank you for taking us there.”
Dismantling Racism Learning Lab Participant
The Radical Roundtable is a space for experiential learning and dissemination of new knowledge and practices where, first things first, we build community through facilitated conversations, sharing stories, and fostering authentic allyship. By creating a place for shared learning and curiosity, we become and can support one another as interrupters of ideologies that lead to marginalization and oppression of vulnerable communities. At its essence, this work, this effort, is built at the speed of trust, because without trust there is no relationship. The Roundtable is a place for community conversations, blog posts, a robust list of resources to continue learning, tools to use in everyday life, videos, and an interactive learning platform just for this community, The Radical Roundtable is a place where we will grow together.
Past and Future, the space between never again and not yet, is our power to choose. By acting now we create a present we want to live in.
We extend a warm and sincere invitation for you to join us at the table, regardless of your global location. We are excited to see you and hear your voice at the Radical Roundtable.
Explore the Radical Roundtable®